Two vehicles hit head-on in a devastating crash Friday morning, May 24, 2019. According to a Calvert City Police officer at the scene, a car traveled up the Exit 27 ramp of I-24 and entered the freeway going the wrong direction.
The car hit a commercial vehicle head-on destroying both vehicles and critically injuring one of the drivers who had to be air transported to Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. The accident is still under investigation, and no charges have been filed at the time of this report.
Wrong-Way Driving Crashes
Wrong-way driving (WWD) crashes are rare accounting for less than 1 percent of all motor vehicle crashes, but they usually end up in a head-on collision which is the deadliest type of crash according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Most head-on collisions occur on rural two-lane, undivided highways, whereas most WWD happen on divided highways and freeways.
Wrong-Way Driving Injuries
When a driver enters a freeway the wrong direction, it’s usually because they are impaired, confused or just unlucky. Many times the driver realizes the mistake and turns around. However, other times they don’t and hit someone head-on. These collisions are usually high speed and take the victim driver by surprise.
This leads to certain types of injuries that become a pattern in WWD crashes. Some of the most common are:
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Facial Bone Fractures
- Broken Ribs/Lung Puncture
- Chest Compression Injuries
- Broken Arms
- Deep Contusions
What Should I do if I’m Injured in a Wrong-Way Driving Accident?
After being seriously injured in a car crash, the victim is confused, in pain and in need of medical attention. Many don’t remember what happened until they wake up in the hospital. If this has happened to you, the best thing to do is nothing. Just focus on your healing and listen to your health care professionals.
Also, don’t talk to anyone from the insurance company. Their claims agent or one of their lawyers might try to talk to you, but don’t. Once you feel like you can handle it, you should talk to an attorney of your choosing to tell you what rights you have under the law.
This way if you decide not to hire an attorney, you can at least have an understanding of your rights. Almost every personal injury attorney has a free consultation, so it will cost you nothing but your time. The attorneys at Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC, have lawyers that are experienced in wrong-way driving accidents and in dealing with insurance companies.
If you call Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC, at 800 937-8443, you will immediately speak to a member of the legal team and not a message machine. You can also Live Chat with an expert who can immediately began helping you with your claim.