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Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC | Car and Pedestrian Accidents at Second Street and Broadway -  Image Name As Louisville Car Accident Lawyers we receive a lot of phone calls and questions about accidents which took place at intersections. Pedestrians are hit in and out of crosswalks, people are rear-ended at red lights, cars hit each other while trying to turn left and there are people who run red lights. But in Louisville, some intersections have more accidents than others and the intersection of Second Street and Broadway is one of those intersections.

Why are there accidents at Second Street and Broadway?

The Louisville Public Works Department compiled data from 2006 – 2010 and studied it and concluded that the majority of accidents involving cars and pedestrians in Louisville were often in the day time and involving cars going straight. Inattention and distracted driving was involved in a significant number of accidents resulting in serious injury or death. That number has likely grown since 2010 now that everyone in Louisville has a cell phone with 4G access and is being alerted every few minutes with new notifications from email, texts and social media. In some cases, the pedestrians are distracted and walk in front of cars and in other cases the driver is at fault, and of course sometimes both parties are partially at fault.

Second Street and Broadway does indeed have some unique features which could lead to an increased number of accidents such as a one way street.

If you’re traveling south on Second Street and get to Broadway you must take a left or a right because on the other side of Broadway, Second Street is northbound only. In July 2017 a man was charged with murder after crossing Broadway and going the Wrong Way on to Second Street, allegedly hitting and killing a pedestrian. People visiting from out of town may also become confused when encountering this intersection, cross into oncoming traffic and cause a head on collision. You can drive from Jeffersonville Indiana across the Clark Memorial Bridge onto Second Street and drive for miles before encountering this particular one way street with “do not enter” signs.

US Route 150 runs along Broadway as well which is a major route and has all types of vehicles on it such as TARC buses, tractor trailers and motorcycles. People park along the side of Broadway as well. It all comes together at this intersection and if someone is being inattentive, driving recklessly or negligently they can cause a serious injury.

Do you need a lawyer after an accident?

After an accident, some people escape with only property damage or minor scrapes and bruises. However, if a serious injury has occurred we encourage them to speak with an experienced car accident attorney who can advise them on how to proceed with their personal injury claim.

When you give us a call at (800) 937-8443, a member of our personal injury team will answer the phone and have you talk with one of our experienced Louisville auto accident lawyers immediately.

