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Common Injuries for Children in Car Accidents

Sometimes as a parent it feels like there’s danger around every corner.  You’re responsible for a tiny life, and getting that child to bedtime without another random bump or bruise may be your biggest challenge of the day.

While there are laws making sure children are snugly held in child seats or properly buckled, in 2017 675 children were killed in crashes. Of those victims, around 65% were confirmed to be properly secured.

Common Car Accident Injuries for Children

Violent collisions can severely injure an adult body but experts find that those collisions are almost always more devastating to a young life. The common injuries even differ between each age group. Infants (under the age of one) are at more risk for concussion. Toddlers (one to three years old) are more likely to be left with cuts and head fractures.

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the most common injuries to children during an accident are:

  • Head Injuries/Concussions – The most common injury for children and the most dangerous due to a child’s developing brain at this stage. 70% of infant injuries in an accident are head injuries, 51% for toddlers.
  • Chest Injuries or Thoracic Injuries – These injuries cover damage to the heart and lungs, ribs, and breathing passageways. Infants are most vulnerable to these injuries.
  • Abdominal injuries- Small-bowel injuries and large-bowel injuries were more common among children 4 to 7 years old accounting for 30 percent of their abdominal injuries
  • Pelvic fractures – Higher risk among infants.
  • Psychological Injuries- Lasting Trauma trying to cope with what happened.

Seek Treatment for Your Children Immediately

Even as adults, we can sometimes downplay injuries in the immediate aftermath of an accident.  Shock might mask our pain and cause us to fail to notice where our bodies took damage.

Your child may have the same trouble locating injuries they may have suffered.  A child may cry but may not be able to communicate further about where they hurt.  Get professional medical treatment on the scene and follow up with your doctor.  Internal bleeding can be impossible for a parent to spot but can be deadly if it goes unnoticed.

These careful medical evaluations will hopefully spot all of the injuries your child might have suffered. The documentation will also serve as documentation of the injuries that the negligent driver caused.  The driver’s insurance needs to cover today’s medical bills and cover any treatment necessary in the future.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Today

In the moments after a collision, when a child is hurting, a parent’s instincts naturally kick in.  Shielding that child from more pain is the only thing that’s important.

In the days to come, the goal will be ensuring your child gets the best medical care available to get back to a normal life and just being a kid.  The bills and the lost wages in the aftermath should not be your concern.  The insurance company of the driver who caused your accident must be held responsible and pay for every step of the recovery.

Accident victims often wonder if they need an attorney, and the answer is almost always yes. Especially when the well-being of a child is involved. Insurance company agents have years of experience and are good at their job which is to pay you as little as possible or nothing at all. You need someone just as experienced to help you level the field.

The attorneys at Kaufman &  Stigger, PLLC, have that knowledge and a combined 100 years’ experience in helping clients get the results they deserve. Contact Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC today, at (800) 937-8443 or click here to contact them online.