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Monticello Personal Injury and Auto Accident Lawyer

If you have been involved in an auto accident or sustained a personal injury in Monticello, Kentucky, contact us for a free and confidential consultation. You will be connected directly to one of our experienced attorneys immediately.

We have a long history of obtaining verdicts and settlements for our clients all over the entire state of Kentucky and southern Indiana as well. We handle all types of personal injuries including auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, premises liability, farming accidents, dog bite injuries, hunting accidents, worksite injuries and wrongful death claims.

Driving In Monticello

Monticello is the county seat of Wayne County Kentucky. Driving in Monticello, Kentucky may be a unique experience for the average American driver. Comprising an area of just over 6 square miles, Monticello has one main thoroughfare, Main Street, that runs through the center of town. North Main Street has three stoplights, South Main Street has none. Main Street connects with the bypass in a sort of half-circle and there are two stoplights on the bypass.

Even during rush hour, traffic is relatively light compared to the average American town. Drivers are friendly and laid back. If you don’t get the green light immediately, there’s not a line of drivers behind you who are laying on their horn. If you experience a breakdown, you’ll most likely receive an offer of assistance from a passer-by. If you ask someone to help you, they’ll help and often expect no compensation for it.

In Monticello, everyone stops in both directions for funeral processions, so that’s the biggest impediment to traffic. Sometimes the procession is short, other times, it can be quite lengthy. Since Wayne County has hundreds of cemeteries of varying sizes, there are a lot of funerals. Fortunately, there are several side streets that will enable you to circumvent the procession, or you can just wait it out.

Large farm vehicles are frequently seen on Main Street and they move slowly but there’s usually room to pass. Since Main Street is the only thoroughfare, semi trucks are not infrequent on the road but usually appear in the off hours. Drivers in Monticello are friendly, however, and don’t make rude gestures or speak harshly if you don’t know where you’re going or if you delay their forward progress.

Uber doesn’t service Monticello, although there is a taxi service available. Many residents walk to their destinations and Main Street has numerous small shops and restaurants available for a quick respite. The popular new coffee house, Groundz Coffee Cafe, sells pastries, sandwiches, soups, and a variety of gourmet coffees. The abundance of fast food restaurants ensure you’ll never faint from hunger pangs.

In the spring and summer, you’ll find an abundance of yard sales and sidewalk sales that are selling everything from apples to zucchini, from antiques to ZZ-Top. Bicycles are less common than pedestrians but there’s ample sidewalk access and generally no danger to either cyclists or pedestrians.

Since Monticello is very close to Lake Cumberland, there’s a large tourist population in the spring and summer, up to about mid- September. Monticello hosts many historical buildings and landmarks, including the “Raccoon John Smith Cabin”.

Accidents are infrequent but there are three intersections that may require extra caution. The first intersection is in front of the police station. As you head south through town, North Main Street merges with a side street, Kendrick Avenue, and visibility can be poor.

Shortly after the intersection of Kendrick and North Main, you’ll encounter the Doughboy Memorial, which is a statue erected to honor the Wayne County residents who died in WWI. It’s in the center of downtown Monticello in a roundabout with Columbia Avenue. It may be necessary to creep into the intersection in order to ascertain the presence of oncoming cross traffic on Main Street before proceeding. Columbia and Main Street are considered the center of town where North Main becomes South Main.

The third intersection is about two blocks farther and occurs at the curve in the road. A Y-intersection can take you down South Main or you can continue left on 90, which leads to Cooper and other small towns.

Driving through Monticello, Kentucky is a laid back, pleasant experience even for those who dislike driving. Life is simpler in this small town and moves at a slower pace. It’s a worthwhile visit for your next vacation.

Damages in a Personal Injury Claim

After an injury, many insurers try to delay or deny claims and work against you. Our job is to work for you. Compensation for your injury claim are losses known as damages. Damages we may seek could include compensation for:

  • Past and any future medical bills
  • Past and any future lost earnings
  • Permanent disfigurement, if any
  • Permanent disability, if any
  • Rehab and recovery expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral and burial costs in a wrongful death case

Contact a Monticello Personal Injury and Auto Accident Lawyer

The best thing that you can do after being injured in any accident is to contact us by phone or email and arrange for a free consultation and case review with an experienced and effective personal injury attorney from our offices.Contact us today for a free consultation.