Impaired driving takes around 10,000 lives each year in the U.S. according to a study by the Insurance Information Institute. Roughly 25 percent of these fatalities are motorcycle riders. This is significant because only three percent of travelers on the road at any one time are motorcycles. The reason for this is the vulnerability of the motorcyclist when driving in traffic. In almost every injury motorcycle crash, the rider is ejected from the bike.
Motorcycle Rider Injuries
There is no “fender bender” when it comes to motorcycle accidents. A motorcycle rider who gets hit or hits another vehicle will suffer at least two significant impacts, the first one with the motor vehicle, and the other when the rider is ejected from the bike and sufferers another impact on the pavement.
Also, motorcyclists have to drive defensively because of their lower profile of a typical passenger car, and many drivers have “tunnel vision” which makes it difficult to keep an eye out for bikes and motorcycles.
Because of this, there are certain injury types that first responders and medical personnel see on a regular basis from a DUI Motorcycle accident.
- Traumatic Head Injury: Helmets are required in Kentucky for riders under 21, and most do wear them, however, helmets only offer some protection and the head is vulnerable in all motorcycle crashes.
- Facial Injury: Though many helmets have shields, these can come off easily and many riders don’t have face shields. This leaves the face vulnerable to disfiguring or bone-crushing injuries.
- Broken Wrists/Legs: ER doctors see their fair share of broken wrists from cyclists holding tightly on their handles. Also, when riders are thrown forward, their legs are vulnerable to injury.
- Chest Injury: Being thrown forward into the front of the bike can cause significant chest compression injuries.
- Road Rash: Any lightly covered or exposed skin can be severely injured in even a low-speed crash as the rider slides on the pavement. These can be as severe as third-degree burns and cause significant pain and disfigurement.
Motorcyclist Wrongful Death
Over 4,500 motorcycle riders die each year in the U.S., and in about 50 percent, it’s the fault of the other vehicle. When that happens, the survivors of the deceased’s family can file a wrongful death claim. Typically, this is done by the executor or legal representative of the estate.
Those who can claim financial losses are the spouse, any children, or those relying on legal support from the deceased. In most cases, all those who claim compensation would do so in one petition and the court would hear the case and determine the compensation for all those making a valid claim.
Damages in a wrongful death claim are slightly different than a personal injury claim where the victim survives. The types of damages that one can claim in a wrongful death claim include:
- Medical Bills/Funeral Expenses of Victim
- Loss of Future Inheritance
- Goods/Services now not Provided
- Mental Pain and Anguish (Survivors)
- Loss of Companionship/Nurturing
- Loss of Consortium (Spouse)
Contact a Kentucky Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Accident victims often wonder if they need an attorney, and the answer is almost always yes. The insurance company agents have years of experience and are good at their job which is to pay you as little as possible or nothing at all. You need someone just as experienced to help you level the field.
Talk to a Louisville Motorcycle Accident Attorney you can trust to be on your side and get you what is yours under the law. The attorneys at Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC, have that knowledge and a combined 100 years’ experience in helping clients get the results they deserve. To discuss your case, contact Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC today, by clicking here to contact them online.