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Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC | Car Accidents on KY 801 in Rowan County KY -  Image Name

A driver making a left turn is a surprisingly dangerous situation that can lead to scary traffic collisions. Vehicles making these turns travel in a wider arc than in other maneuvers, taking longer to cross in front of traffic, as well as exposing the full length of cars to oncoming vehicles.

Careless driving can also increase the odds of a terrible crash. Drivers making their turns at night can take a quick glance and misjudge the distance of oncoming headlights and mistakenly proceed when they think the coast is clear. They can also allow themselves to become distracted by a cellphone or a radio and not be paying attention to the cars around them. These mistakes can lead to a tragic collision and can result in devastating consequences for everyone involved.

Two-Car Collision in Rowan County Sends Two to the Hospital

Two people suffered serious injuries in a collision Tuesday evening in Rowan County. WTVQ-TV reported the accident occurred around 8 p.m. along Kentucky 801 outside of Morehead on March 9, 2021.

The Kentucky State Police found that a man who had been driving south was making a left turn when he collided with another vehicle traveling north on 801. The northbound vehicle continued on to hit a third vehicle.

The driver of the northbound vehicle and a passenger were airlifted to UK Hospital. Their conditions haven’t been released. The other drivers involved refused medical care. Investigators have not released the cause of the crash.

Finding Support for Rowan County Accident Victims

Victims in frightening accidents can find themselves having to recover both physically and emotionally. The trauma of a collision can stay with those involved for a long time and cause mental anguish that can be difficult to cope with without counseling. Physical injuries will result in perhaps thousands of dollars in hospital bills during the first week and can require extended medical care in the months to come.

Victims can hold no blame in an accident and yet still get targeted by the costs of recovery, all while missing valuable hours at their place of employment. In these tragic situations, victims and their families are allowed to file a claim for damages against an at-fault driver’s auto insurance provider.

This civil claim can let an insurance company know just what you’ve endured physically, emotionally, and financially after an accident. By having an attorney helping you file your claim you can make sure nothing gets left off and that insurance companies know that they are expected to take your hardships seriously and compensate you fairly.

Contact a Rowan County Car Accident Lawyer

If you are in a serious accident due to the mistake of another driver, that driver’s insurance agent will be calling you to get a recorded statement on what happened. Don’t fall for this trick. Politely tell them no. Agents seek statements from you so that they can use your words against you later to discredit your injury and perhaps try to blame your accident on you.

Always talk to a lawyer first. The attorneys at Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC, have a combined 100 years of experience in helping clients avoid insurance bad faith practices. They can help you dodge stall tactics and lowball offers to arrive at fair compensation to help you get back on your feet again. To discuss your case and get a free evaluation, contact Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC today, by clicking here to contact them online.

