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A three-car crash north of Georgetown killed one driver and injured two other people on September 22, 2018.

According to Lex18, this collision occurred just before 12:30PM on US-25 near the Yuko-En on the Elkhorn Japanese gardens. Allegedly, a motorist traveling south swerved into the northbound lane and slammed into two cars headed north.

Tragically, one of these drivers was killed instantly on the site of the crash. First-responders were able to transport the two other crash victims to local hospitals. Thankfully, doctors believe both of these drivers will survive their injuries.

As of today, police are still investigating the cause of this crash.

Critical Facts About Head-On Collisions

Although head-on collisions are relatively rare, they are amongst the most deadly car accidents motorists could get involved in. Even if you’re lucky enough to survive a head-on collision, you’ll most likely need extensive medical treatment for traumatic injuries.

One common reason for head-on collisions is taking a sharp turn at a high speed. Statistics from suggest about 20 percent of all head-on collisions happen when motorists speed around a turn and swerve into an opposing lane of traffic.

Interestingly, head-on collisions are far more likely during bright, dry days than during inclement weather. Safety experts believe sunny weather gives drivers a false sense of security, which means motorists are more likely to drive distracted and/or speed.

Injured In A Car Wreck? Get The Tiger.

Anyone who’s injured by a negligent driver on Kentucky’s roadways should give an experienced law firm such as Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC a call. Our expert legal team has decades of experience helping clients recover damages for wrongful death, traumatic injury, time lost at work, and many other issues.

Don’t let the big insurance companies bully you into settling for less than you deserve. Whether you were injured as a motorist, motorcyclist, bicyclist, or pedestrian, Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC, can help you fight for your full compensation.

