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Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC | Interstate Accidents in Campbell County Kentucky -  Image Name

Interstate travel can be dangerous when speeds inch up higher and higher while drivers pay less and less attention to the road. A distracted driver can spark a collision ahead of you, but you might not have enough time to stop or steer clear of the scene and wind up in an accident yourself and dealing with a painful injury.

The Kentucky State Police patrol Interstate-275 365 days a year and see the tragic consequences for careless drivers and their victims. In 2018, the KSP responded to 943 accidents on the interstate. Those accidents along I-275 left 181 people injured and claimed three lives.

Five Vehicles Involved in Accident in Campbell County

A multi-vehicle crash closed the eastbound lanes of I-275 Thursday night on the Kentucky-Ohio state line in Campbell County, Kentucky. FOX19-TV reported the accident happened on the Combs-Hehl Bridge around 8:40 p.m. on December 10, 2020.

Cincinnati Police says the collision involved five vehicles. Investigators say several people were hospitalized after the crash and one person sustained serious injuries.

The cause of the crash is under investigation.

Support for Kentucky Interstate Accident Victims

Motorists who make reckless moves on interstates can be risking many lives at the same time with their carelessness. Victims can be left with severe injuries that can change the course of their lives and their families’ lives.

Once your physical health has been stabilized after an accident, you may have time to consider the expensive hospital bills and even your monthly bills that will be arriving while you are off your feet and missing work. You didn’t cause your accident and these expenses shouldn’t be yours to worry over.

The at-fault driver and his or her insurance company should step up to take care of every cost that builds up as you try to heal and get back to a normal life. It may be necessary to file a claim for damages against a responsible driver to make sure you get everything you need in recovery. You may be out of work for months and your injuries may require physical therapy or surgeries in the years to come. Any compensation that you receive should have these potential costs factored in.

An attorney helping you with your case can begin investigating your accident and assessing just what to demand in a lawsuit against the insurance firm involved. By collecting documentation and securing witness testimony an opposing insurance company can be facing a case that’s impossible to dismiss.

Contact a Kentucky Car Accident Attorney

If you are hurt due to the negligence of another driver, make sure you leave nothing to chance as you make your recovery. The process of healing can be difficult but it’ll be much easier when you don’t have to stress over doctor bills and making your monthly mortgage payment. Talk to a Kentucky Auto Accident Attorney dedicated to your recovery and making sure insurance companies don’t treat you unfairly.

The attorneys at Kaufman &  Stigger, PLLC, have a combined 100 years’ experience in helping clients get the compensation they’ll need to recover physically and financially. For a free consultation on your case contact Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC today.

