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Lexington KY Roundup Cancer Lawyers – Everything You Need To Know

If you or a loved one in or around Lexington Kentucky has a form of cancer mentioned below and believe that it may have been caused by exposure to Roundup, contact us today to see what we may be able to do for you.

Roundup Lawsuits Begin

About 5,000 lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto across the United States in connection with its weed killer product named Roundup. The product’s active ingredient is glyphosate, and just about all of the lawsuits involve that ingredient.

Cancer and Leukemia
The popular weed killer was developed by Monsanto in 1970, and 35 years later, it became the most widely used agricultural weed killer in the world. What has now come to issue is that the glyphosate has been linked to certain types of cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and cancer of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and thyroid. There are also links to glyphosate and various forms of leukemia. People who work with Roundup or on or near land that has been sprayed with the product have the highest chance of developing cancer or leukemia. Even passive exposure to it places people at risk.The Research
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization of the United Nations. In July of 2015, IARC generated a final health assessment of glyphosate, and it determined that the substance is probably carcinogenic to humans. It made direct links to cancer, leukemia and certain subtypes of the conditions. At the same time, it was learned that Monsanto had it’s own research findings regarding the carcinogenic propensities of Roundup, but that research was never disclosed to the public. Regardless of the IARC determination, Monsanto persists in maintaining that glyphosate and Roundup are safe for humans. It’s relying on its own studies and a preliminary finding by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that glyphosate isn’t likely to cause cancer in humans.The San Francisco Ruling
In early July of 2018, a federal judge in San Francisco ruled against Monsanto and in favor of hundreds of alleged Roundup victims by determining that there was sufficient evidence against Monsanto to allow the plaintiffs’ cases to proceed to trial. Hundreds of Roundup cases have been consolidated and assigned to the judge’s courtroom. Now, it must be shown that Roundup was the cause of cancer or leukemia in specific plaintiffs whose cases will soon be selected for test trials.

If a direct link can be established between your cancer or leukemia and Roundup, you might be eligible for damages. Just some of those damages that are recognized in Kentucky can include the following:

  • Past and future medical bills.
  • Past and future lost earnings.
  • Permanent disability, if any.
  • Permanent disfigurement, if any.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Diminished quality of life.

If it’s determined that a wrongful death was caused by Roundup, additional and very substantial damages can be sought by the decedent’s family on top of funeral and burial costs.

Roundup is believed to be ingested into the body through the respiratory system or contact with the skin. Given all of the farms around Lexington, if you suspect that you or a family member developed cancer or leukemia from Roundup, you might be eligible for compensation from Monsanto. Both cancer and leukemia can kill victims, and the cost of fighting these conditions is overwhelming for just about anybody. Don’t hesitate to contact us about any suspected Roundup cancer or leukemia case in or around Lexington. We can arrange for a free case review meeting. We’re going to listen to you very carefully and then, we’ll advise you of what we think we might be able to do for you.