Free Consultation: 800-937-8443

Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Injury Lawyer in Louisville, KY

Injured on the Job? Get the Help You Need!

Indiana and Kentucky workplace injury and workers’ compensation laws can be tricky and difficult to navigate.

The good news is that you aren’t alone. As legal professionals with decades of experience in personal injury law, our Louisville workplace injury and workers’ compensation attorneys know and understand these laws, and we’re committed to helping you get the compensation you deserve.

At Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC, our track record includes a $1.3 million workplace injury settlement. An 18-year-old male suffered electrical burn injuries to his head and back from an electrical shock he obtained while working on a construction site. Hiring an attorney who understood the way his insurance company worked made all the difference. Whether you need to file an initial claim, appeal a denied claim or dispute the amount of benefits you were awarded, we’re here to get you the help you deserve.

If you were hurt while on the job in Kentucky or Indiana and need help determining the next steps, call (502) 458-5555 or (800) 937-8443 or live chat now and Get the Tiger on Your Side!

Tell us how you were hurt on the job, so we can discuss every dollar the law allows.

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Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC | Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Injury Lawyer in Louisville, KY - No Fee Unless We Win

With the NO FEE PROMISE, you never pay us a fee unless we win or settle your case Call us for a free consultation.