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Requirements for Firearm Storage in Kentucky

Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC | Requirements for Firearm Storage in Kentucky - gunsIn general, there is no law requiring specific types of firearm storage in the State of Kentucky. However, a gun owner may be held responsible in a personal injury case if their negligence resulted in someone being shot.

You can still file a personal injury (civil) claim even if no laws were broken. This is because gun owners must exercise reasonable care to prevent injuries and failure to do so is considered negligence, which makes them liable. In many cases, when a gun owner is liable for an injury, a claim may be filed against their homeowners’ insurance.

If you were shot by accidental discharge, shot while hunting, or your child was injured by a firearm, contact us today for a free consultation with one of our compassionate attorneys at Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC.

What is Negligence?

Kentucky Revised Statute §527.110 does cover intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly providing a gun to children under the age of 18. Breaking the law may lead to criminal charges. However, this does not address negligence. A gun owner of any age is negligent when their failure to use reasonable care results in someone being shot. An example of reasonable care is keeping a gun away from a child or shooting someone while deer hunting.

By proving that a gun owner acted negligently, you may be eligible to bring a personal injury claim or wrongful death claim depending on the circumstances of the accident.

Injuries Resulting from Gun Accidents

One of the main concerns of an improperly stored firearm is the risk of an injury or fatality stemming from an accident. Some of the most common types of injuries caused by accidental shootings include the following:

  • Upper and lower extremity injuries
  • Injuries to the hands
  • Chest and stomach area injuries
  • Facial wounds
  • Loss of hearing
  • Scars and disfigurement

In many cases each year, lives are taken as a result of these accidents. Either victims of accidental shootings or their families can bring a claim for financial support after one of these accidents.

Potential Damages Following a Gun Accident

The recovery from an accidental shooting can be a long one. On top of the injuries that you have sustained, you may not be able to return to work or activities that you once enjoyed before your accident. Here are some of the potential damages that you may be able to receive as a result of a claim:

  • Payment for medical expenses, including those you have suffered and those you will incur
  • Lost wages and future loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement damages
  • Punitive damages in certain cases
  • Wrongful death damages if a life has been taken in an accident

Every claim has its own set of unique circumstances, which is why you could benefit from speaking with a legal advocate who has handled gun-related accidents in the past and will help you determine what damages you could expect.

Contact a Kentucky Gun Accident Lawyer

If you have been hurt in an accident involving a firearm, you may be feeling devastated and confused. Individuals involved in these life-altering accidents need a legal advocate on their side who will compassionately listen to them and fight to protect their rights at all times throughout this complex process. At Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC, our Kentucky gun accident lawyers believe in helping you hold a responsible party liable for the harm that they have caused you. Please contact us today to set up a no-obligation and confidential case consultation.