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How Much Are My Louisville Motorcycle Accident Injuries Worth in an Insurance Claim?

The downsides of a motorcycle accident injury are immediate. There’s the pain and emotional trauma of being subjected to such a life-changing experience, but there is an upside once the dust settles.

Although it varies, motorcycle accident injury claims can range anywhere between $10,000 to millions of dollars, depending on the details of your situation. The insurance company is likely to offer you a lot less than what your injuries are worth, but with a skilled Motorcycle Accident Attorney, you’ll have a better chance at a more substantial payout.

How are Injuries Calculated in a Motorcycle Accident Insurance?

There are several factors used to calculate a car accident settlement. Medical expenses, legal expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering will have a significant impact on the value of your settlement, however, those factors will all be decided by the severity of your injury. When assessing the severity of injuries sustained from a car accident, they are typically placed into one of the following three tiers:

  • Tier 1: This tier is for the most severe injuries. Severe injuries tend to have the largest payout. These injuries include:
    • Traumatic brain injuries
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Permanent disfigurement
    • Wrongful death
  • Tier 2: This tier is for moderate to severe injuries. These injuries typically require surgical intervention and deal with broken bones, fractures, and lacerations.
  • Tier 3: This tier is for mild to moderate injuries. This generally includes injuries that do not require surgery such as strains, sprains, and contusions.

Whichever tier your injury falls into will have a substantial impact on calculating the total financial value of your accident claim.

Common Motorcycle Accident Settlements

While there is no typical settlement amount for car accident claims, there are three settlement amounts accident victims can expect after winning their claim. These settlements include:

  • Low settlement: low settlements usually consist of minor accidents with little to no injuries. Medical bills and property damage costs are usually low in minor accidents, so the settlement amount will reflect the cost of damages. These tend to fall around $5,000 to $10,000.
  • Moderate settlements: moderate settlements apply to accidents with moderate injuries such as whiplash, fractures, and bruises. These injuries will require some medical treatment, as well as some missed work. The recovery period can be somewhat long, but victims typically make a full recovery. These tend to fall anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000.
  • High settlements: high settlements involve severe injuries, resulting in long-term medical treatment, permanent disability, or fatalities. These cases usually receive substantial compensation due to the extent of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, as well as the extent of negligence which caused the accident. These tend to fall anywhere from $100,000 to millions of dollars.

Is My Insurance Claim Settlement Offer Enough?

The goal of both the defense (the party being sued) and the plaintiff (the injured party, suing for damages) is to arrive at an agreeable settlement amount that takes into account what the plaintiff would receive through a court judgment. Here are some factors that can affect your final settlement:

  • Strength or weakness of the victim’s claims for recklessness by the defense
  • The existence of carelessness on the victim’s part, which may have caused the accident
  • Whether the jurisdiction of the case is plaintiff-friendly or defendant-friendly
  • Duration of the victim’s injuries
  • Any caps or limits on certain damages or insurance policies

Other legal factors may contribute to a low settlement offer, or it may be a case in which the defense is not cooperating. If you do feel the settlement is too low, then an attorney will represent you in court and help you build a case to reflect damages deserving of more compensation.

Contact a Louisville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

At Kaufman & Stigger, we understand the challenges that come with Louisville motorcycle accidents cases. With years of experience helping injured victims and a deep commitment to protecting riders’ rights, we work to secure full compensation for your injuries, pain, and financial losses.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, don’t face it alone. Put the tiger on your side and call Kaufman & Stigger today for a free consultation.