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Who goes first at a stop sign in Kentucky?

Kentucky drivers at four-way stops should stop and then proceed if they were the first motorist to arrive. When vehicles arrive at virtually the same moment, the driver on the left yields to the motorist on the right. Drivers would let the car to their right go first.

These guidelines work pretty well, but it’s always a good idea to be extremely cautious at any stop-sign intersection or intersection. The other drivers you share the road with may be reckless, or they simply may not know the laws. This can lead to mistakes and force you into a collision, even if you are following every rule.

Kentucky Stop Sign Intersection Laws

Kaufman & Stigger, PLLC | Who goes first at a stop sign in Kentucky? - stop-sign-744192_1280Pulling up to a 4-way stop on a busy street in places like Lexington or Louisville can be enough to confuse some drivers. Drivers in a rush will want to clear the intersection as fast as possible, but reasonable motorists will also want to make sure there’s no chance of a collision, no matter who proceeds first.

The first to arrive would generally go first, but sometimes it’s not always clear who showed up earliest. Kentucky legislators set the law this way:

Kentucky Vehicle Statute 189.330

“When two (2) vehicles approach or enter an intersection from different roadways at approximately the same time, the operator of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.”

Beyond those guidelines, the law also requires these actions from motorists at intersections:

  • Drivers should stop at a clearly marked stop line or before entering a crosswalk if one exists. Otherwise, they should pull up far enough to be able to see traffic in both directions clearly.
  • Drivers should also yield to any vehicle that is already in the intersection or partially in the intersection and presents a hazard.

The 189.330 Statute also covers what happens at two-way stops:

“(10) The operator of a vehicle about to enter or cross a roadway from any place other than another roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the roadway to be entered or crossed.”

Kentucky Intersection Accident Dangers

The Kentucky State Police (KSP) and local police see the devastation that intersection collisions cause each year. It’s where drivers going in different directions meet, so it stands to reason that more accidents would occur at crossroads.

The accident rates are also boosted by careless drivers who aren’t paying attention when they approach an intersection. Drivers who don’t care to study the right-of-way laws also cause some of the worst collisions.

Reckless drivers or drivers looking at cell phones can even miss a stop sign and blast right through to cause a full-speed collision with another motorist or multiple motorists.

In their annual report, the KSP found that the state recorded 32,695 accidents occurring at intersections. That makes up about 30% of all accidents in Kentucky. Those intersection accidents led to over 7,000 injuries and a tragic 129 fatalities.

Contact a Kentucky Car Accident Lawyer After an Intersection Collision

It’s critical that every driver knows what to do and who to yield to at Kentucky intersections. A little knowledge can go a long way toward keeping local drivers safe at stop signs and at traffic lights.

If you have been seriously injured in a collision caused by a careless driver at an intersection, contactKentucky Car Accident Lawyer to schedule a free and confidential consultation. We help victims and their families earn the money they need to fully recover in Lexington, Louisville, and across the entire state.

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